Thursday, May 13, 2010

Id ego superego

I began to develop a new theory that would explain the human mind while dividing it up into three sections. I published an essay titled "Beyond the Pleasure Principle." This essay only briefly mentioned my new findings, it was not until three years later that I would publish an essay called "The Ego and the Id,". The Id is the childlike desire that tells us what we want and disregards the consequences that could occur. The superego plays by the rules of society, ultimately making the morally right decisions. the last part of the mind is the ego, which tries to keep the balance between these two parts of the psyche.

These three parts of the psyche can become unbalanced, which causes disorders. For example, as a child the superego is underdeveloped, which causes the Oedipus complex to occur. Side effects can begin to develop if a child doesn't outgrow this. They can end up with an id that suppresses the superego and ego. People may find my work to be skeptical, but I have been seeing patients for years, and understand how the human mind thinks. For an example, patients of mine would forget to set their alarm clock for our meetings, or would just all together forget about our appointment. This is because their superego was taking control of their mind. The superego attempted to save the psyche from further probing by skipping these appointments. The suppression of a certain memory is used as a self defensive mechanism, but because I kept on trying to reveal these memories, the superego resorted to the "forget" tactic. My work has led the way for many researchers, and made a path for many of my followers. I created a new branch of medicine that focuses on curing the stability of the mind. My work will always be recognized as a huge step forward in the modern thinking of 'our' time.